K-12 Learning Targets:
The K-8 Targets include Examples and an example of a possible assessment. Carl really did A LOT of awesome work here!
- CCSS K Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 1 Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 2 Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 3 Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 4 Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 5 Learning Targets.xls
- CCSS 6 Learning Targets.pdf
- CCSS 7 Learning Targets.pdf
- CCSS 8 Learning Targets.xls
The 9-12 Learning Targets are from Kentucky’s Department of Education and include Learning Targets, but call them “Reasoning Targets.”
- Kentucky's Algebra 1 Learning Targets
- Kentucky's Geometry Learning Targets
- Kentucky's Algebra 2 Learning Targets
Learning Progressions from Karin Hess:
Cognitive Rigor Matrix by DOK level from Karin Hess:
CCSS Aligned Math Module Samples from other states:
- Oregon: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3406
- New York Teacher: http://www.nhp-gcp.org/webpages/sschlueck/useful_links.cfm?subpage=1418944
- Vermont: https://sites.google.com/site/commoncoreinvermont/
- Washington State: http://www.k12.wa.us/Mathematics/mathematicsmodules.aspx
- The MAP Project: http://map.mathshell.org/materials/index.php - Tons of resources here!
Note that however you decide to start your alignment to the Common Core standards, these resources should be considered as just a piece of the standards-based pie. If you’ve not explored Learning Progressions or Learning Targets before, I know that it can be somewhat overwhelming--just with the sheer amount of information to consider.
If you’d like more information on Learning Targets, ASCD published a book last month about it WHICH YOU CAN FIND HERE.
As I find new stuff, I’ll come back and add it here!
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